My inspiration comes from life. I draw from everywhere and everyone. When I am outside, everything catches my eye. My Bachelor's Degree in Fashion Design, and Minor in Textiles, allow me to further tighten my creative lens. We remember the most intricate of details, and as such my art is saturated with ornate embellishment. So many people give the mundane only a passing glance. Within the simple aspects of life – the shiftless lean of a telephone pole, winding roots of static trees, or how a simple chair is perched before your daily coffee shop – there is so much more at work than your quick glances allow you to notice. This is why I capture these moments and edit them within Photoshop; I create a moment in time, a monochromatic reaction to a raw feeling. My inspiration does not end once I begin to paint. It springs through each brush stroke. Each noise that permeates my studio walls is drawn into my ear and expelled through my hands. The wind will sweep through the city and deliver to me joyful laughter, irate honking, and whatever else the street serves up. They’ll never know it, but that manifestation has been captured by my painting. Inspiration for me is the past, present, future, and the emotions that they each carry.